Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Sarah's Superheroes

My release teacher is head of an ICT company and provides both my students and myself with some amazing learning opportunities for how to integrate ICT effectively into our programme in a way that enhances the learning of my students. She has helped me to create a website that will record the learning, fun and excitement that happens within Room 3 -
She has also shown us how to make iMovies and has create iMovies for us that capture aspects of the children's learning. Below is an example of movies that she has created about bike safety lessons that we received from a local policeman and about our music lessons.

Student Led conferences - encouraging my students to have voice in their learning and own goals.

Working through student led conferences and preparing students to have informed discussions with their parents about their learning has really opened my eyes into how much I guide them through the discussion process. Whilst some of my students were able to independently discuss with me where they felt their next steps were others were waiting for me to provide them with these.

At the moment we are implementing a new type of goal setting programme for the students where instead of targets constructed by the teachers for the teachers, students have voice into what they think their next steps should be and record these in the back of their books. We are doing this in writing at the moment and this should help the students to feel that they are identifying their own next steps and have control over their learning. The students complete a national standard evaluation at the end of each piece of writing and identify what areas they have achieved and which areas they are still working towards.

I am hoping that through making the goal setting and evaluating whether or not the goals have been achieved a routine process all children will begin to feel comfortable leading conferences and discussions about where they are successful or not. I will be making this part of our weekly writing routine from the beginning of next week (Monday 23rd of June) onwards.