Sunday 24 April 2016

Reflecting on a wonderful term

As a teacher it is very important to reflect on what went well and what didn't go so well continually so that you are continually offering your students optimum teaching and opportunities.  Often we ask the children to reflect also on what worked well for them, and where they think their next steps are. One thing that I know that I don't do as often is reflect with the students on a big picture scale, so I made sure that I did this at the end of the term so that we were on the same page going into next term.

It was interesting to see what worked, what didn't work and what we could change from a student's perspective and I was surprised to see so much about the changes between my teaching style and the teaching style of their previous teachers coming through - especially since it took a number of the students a while to adjust to the changes.  What this tells me though is that the students value having the extra clarity about their learning, having the ability to direct their own learning paths and having more defined structure within their lessons, even though it means more work for them.  

In regards to what didn't work - not enough PE and more rewards - unfortunately for the students, they will not be getting more 'rewards' as such but I do wonder if this was there as we have just started a rewards system within the class where the students earn whole class rewards.  PE is changing this term and more PE will be occurring as a result of not having swimming in our PE session time. It was great to see that the students wanted more writing experience opportunities.  The majority of the students that I am working with are still developing an understanding of what the basics are and how these need to be included in their writing and it was clear that this style of writing allowed the students to achieve and recognise what success looks like to them.

Te Toi Tupu - Leading Change Workshop

On the first Monday of the holidays I attended a Leading Change workshop run by Te Toi Tupu.  This was a really interesting day and it was brilliant having the four of us who are working in the leadership team there.  This allowed us to think critically about where we were at as a school and engage in critical reflection.  I have copied in the notes that I made about the things that I viewed as important learning that we went through and they are a very interesting read.  Lots of models that allow us to view the change that we are going through as a school in a new light.

Leadership and Assessment - Effective leadership of change

Thursday 14 April 2016

Leadership Research

During the first week of the holidays I am attending a Leading Change workshop run by Te Toi Tupu. As part of this we were required to read the following document and record three important points, two interesting things and one question.  

See below for attachments.

Thursday 31 March 2016

Knowledge enables Success

Having settled into my new classroom and gained an understanding of my children I have noticed that there are two large areas of need that require focus.  These are their maths knowledge and their writing - a large number of students are working below and well below the standard.  I have been thinking carefully about how I can address both of these and which one of these is most pressing to address.  

I have completed a mini inquiry around developing maths knowledge during the time when we are doing statistics.  In order to develop my own professional knowledge around this I have read the following research amongst others: 
As a result of this mini inquiry my knowledge sessions are now varied for the students and include a range of interactive websites that offer explanations, teaching hot spots around certain knowledge areas, interactive games for students, games that students are able to share in with a partner, the development of sheets that allow students to see where their knowledge gaps are and to choose how these can be filled using a variety of different texts and materials and the opportunity for students to use songs and music to help them retain their knowledge.  This seems to have worked so far and is proving successful.  Within the last week of term I will retest these students using summative assessments and be able to use evidence to confirm my observations and formative assessments.

The inquiry that I have decided needs to be largest focus is around writing and develop within these students knowledge around where they are at and knowledge around what tools that they can use to help them progress and achieve their ultimate end goal of working at/above the standard by the end of the year so that they are ready for high school.  Within my class I have students working from between a 2a level and a 4b level with the majority of them sitting around a 3b level.  I have decided to focus this inquiry on these students that are classed as sitting well below as they need to make hugely accelerated progress in order to be where they need to be by the end of the year.

Key findings that I have noticed so far from the students who are working well below:
 - Students are not planning their work
 - Students are not confident editing their work
 - Students are not comfortable knowing when to use basic or complex punctuation
 - Students are still developing the ability to recognise grammatical errors
 - Students do not know what they do not know, and therefore are unsure how to improve.

The one that stands out to me the most is that these children do not know what they do not know - they are not aware of how they can improve and they are not aware of what their errors are.  In order to help students with this, they have been provided with requirements that have them working towards the national standard at each sub-level of the curriculum. They have now identified within their sub-levels the goals that they wish to work on and we have co-constructed success criteria for these goals.  The other findings will be discussed and explicitly taught over the next term across a range of contexts so that they can be understood and applied within a range of contexts - however through having developed goals, students are already far more motivated and are already noticing areas in which they can improve and are wanting to learn.

Wednesday 30 March 2016

The challenges around student centered learning - and overcoming them

Inquiry, curriculum integration, thematic units - these words were tossed around interchangeably when I first took up my new role at this school nearly nine weeks ago - however throughout this term we have begun to make changes around what our school curriculum looks like and how it is played out in action.  This was due in part, to the leaving of both the previous principal and deputy principal within a short time period.  As a result of this, lots of questioning is happening regarding the terminology that is used and what it actually represents.  Through discussions and readings around inquiry and curriculum integration we have decided that as a school what we are currently doing is a thematic approach to learning, rather than true curriculum integration - and that true inquiry where it is led by the students is something quite rare within our classrooms and something that has not traditionally happened.  This has aligned with the minimal focus that has been placed around student voice and student led learning that is future orientated due to other huge factors that have influenced the staff at the school.  The students that I am working with came to me with quite a fixed mindset about what they could and could not achieve and it has taken eight weeks for them to begin to be at a stage where they are able to talk about their individual goals and their progressions towards these.

As year 7 and year 8 students, I think it is highly important that these students are introduced to, and confident working within, an inquiry style of learning both within the "core"/national standards subjects and all other subjects that make up the New Zealand Curriculum.

In order for me to provide my students with this opportunity I have done research over a wide variety of areas - regarding what inquiry is, best practice for student centered learning in areas such as maths, reading and writing and the benefits and challenges of true student centered learning.  A lot of this has overlapped with reading that I did last year around the POGIL styled programme that I was teaching and so this has been most helpful to make comparisons with.

I know that as these students do not have a student centered learning background it is important for me to give them appropriate tools so that they are able to understand and talk about their learning in order to be able to have more guidance over the direction of it.  An interesting reading that I stumbled across today The Benefits and Challenges of Student-Designed Learning talks about true inquiry learning (within a high school context) and letting students have complete control about the direction that they take with their learning and how they present their learning.  It emphasises that from a student point of view, whilst it was exciting to have control over their learning at first it became difficult when they did not have any guidelines.  It also discusses the importance of students having goals when directing their own learning and how this was helpful to them.

This has helped me to have confidence that I am on the right track with these students and developing them to be students who can work within an inquiry style of learning.  At the moment there is both clear guidelines about what skills and knowledge they need to be developing, they are presented with a range of ways to do this which is helping to allow them freedom over the style of learning that works best for them and they are consistently setting and achieving mini goals whilst working towards their bigger goal which is allowing them to achieve success along the way.

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Communication is Key

This year I have set up a new blog for my class.  Again I have done it on weebly, however I have made a new address so that it aligns with the other weebly addresses at my new school.  A further reason that I have kept them separate is that I think it is lovely for students to be able to look back on and reflect on the learning that they did last year, and so I have left that one open for the students to access - which will be especially helpful for the students who are now in BYOD classrooms.

This year in addition to having the normal features of learning, sharing. go to etc I have included my planning on my weebly so that students and parents are able to access it from home.  The amount of positive feedback that I have received from parents regarding this already is astounding.  They have commented both directly to me and to the principal that having the planning their really opens up the conversations that they can have with their 11 or 12 years old about their learning.  In their words, they have gone from receiving a grunt/very minimal reply when asking about their child's day to having a proper conversation regarding the learning rather than the doing.  I have also shared google docs with the students that have all of their upcoming WALTS based on pre-assessment tasks and games/interactive websites that they know they are expected to look at before they see me for these WALTS.  This has been very successful as it is allowing the conversations to be focused on the learning of the day in depth rather than staying at the lower end of Blooms Taxonomy.

Below is the link to my new weebly:

Room 7 Weebly

Friday 5 February 2016

New School, New Adventure!

The beginning of a new year brings with it a new school year, which is always exciting - however even more so when it also comes with a new school.  The school that I have moved to this year is a complete contrast to the school that I have worked at as a PRT.  Where my last school was a large, urban school - my new school is a full primary country school with only 120 children!  I was, and am, very excited about working in a small school that has such a tight knit community surrounding it but what I was not prepared for was driving to work this morning and having to drive for a kilometre through the middle of cows!  This was the image I was confronted with this morning.

Nevertheless, cows included I have loved my start to the year.  The students that I am working with are very receptive to learning and have the potential to make accelerated progress throughout the year so that they are where they need to be by the end of the year.  

However, with a new class comes a new set of challenges.  With my old class we had defined what learning looked like, sounded like, felt like - they understood the learning pit and that if they struggled it was normal and a key part of reaching success with their learning rather than meaning that they were on the road to failure. With my new class, I am unsure of where they stand in regards to what they have been taught learning looks like, sounds like, and feels like.  This morning I am doing an activity with them where they will do a bus stop activity, brainstorming in groups what great learners do, what active learners do, what previous messages they have received about learning from their teachers and what is important to reach success in their learning.  I am really excited to find this information out from these students as this will form the basis of how our classroom will run over the next few weeks and how our HPE unit on Culture and Community will progress.  I think the following quotes quite nicely state how as a class we are unpacking the year together and all bringing our learning experiences to create our own expectations for each other.